Academic Association for Mathematics and Natural Sciences - MAL

MAL PROMOTES the study and utilisation of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as recognition of professionals in these fieldsWe organise training, events and workshops for our members, as well as visits to companies and organisations. We encourage and reward secondary school and academic students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

MEMBERS CAN CONTRIBUTE to the operation of the Association by attending meetings and participating in committee work. Members can also make suggestions and proposals directly to the Board Members. Students are welcome to join and participate once they have selected their primary field of study, or major. To join, visit the TEK website or contact the office for a membership application.

MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS include protection of interest, employment protection, unemployment insurance, labour market research and pay statistics. TEK protects and promotes the professional and income-related interests of MAL members in employment and public service employment. As a member, you can participate in public discourse and discussion about education policy.

Members receive a subscription to the Finnish Talouselämä or Swedish Forum för teknik och ekonomi magazine. They also receive the Finnish Tekniikka & Talous magazine and the TEK member magazine Tekniikan Akateemiset. Student members also enjoy significant benefits, even though they pay no membership fees.

MAL was established in 1961 to represent the interests of academic mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists. Members of MAL work in various roles that require expertise in these fields, in both the public and private sectors. Some of the members are academic students. MAL’s members are also members of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK). TEK is the second-largest member organisation of AKAVA, the Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland.