Academic Association for Mathematics and Natural Sciences – MAL

MAL PROMOTES the study and utilisation of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as recognition of professionals in these fields. We organise training, events and workshops for our members, as well as visits to companies and organisations. We encourage and reward secondary school and academic students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Visits are open to all members of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK).

2011 was an important milestone as the association celebrated its 50th anniversary. The main celebration took place at the Old Student House (“Vanha”) on 14 October 2011. 

According to the agreement between MAL (previously SMFL) and TEK (previously KAL), TEK is responsible for protecting the interests of MAL members. MAL aims to further strengthen its position and influence in TEK. MAL also continues to act as a hub for the rapidly growing number of TEK members in the fields of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and to protect their interests within TEK.

MAL contributes to the development of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science education, and highlights the significance of these disciplines in society. MAL gives its own award in the secondary school Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science competitions organised annually by MAOL, the Association for Teachers of Mathematical Subjects. MAL also sets the criteria and grants an annual award for the best Master’s Thesis in Mathematics, Physics or Computer Science. TEK's dissertation award is handed out in cooperation with MAL.

MAL’s student members study in universities and academic institutions at nine locations, and MAL organises an annual sauna event or other similar information and recruitment event at each of them. MAL also participates in events organised by different student organisations and guilds to increase the association’s visibility.